Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Amazon releases official 'Send to Kindle' Chrome browser extension

kindle inside the script
As read-it-later services like Instapaper and Pocket move into the mainstream, Amazon wants to make sure that the Kindle doesn't get left behind. It has released a new Chrome browser plug-in that will reformat and send web content directly to Kindle apps and devices. The company had already launched similar apps for both Mac and PC and, yes, there were plenty of 3rd-party options for delivering web content to Kindles, but the Chrome extension will likely be a more convenient and intuitive option for most users. Amazon will re-format web pages and remove "the distractions" from any given page, and you can also just send specific, highlighted text. As before, delivering via Wi-Fi is free but via Whispernet will incur a charge ranging from $.15 to $.99 per megabyte. Browser extensions for Firefox and Safari are not available yet, but apparently are on the way.

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